Escuela Verde Interns at St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care - Spring 2020
“What does being physically distant mean to you?
What do you endure?
How do you make a stranger feel welcome to your community?
What does it mean to ‘grow up’?
How do you stay in touch?
What does ‘care’ mean to you?
Mission & Vision
To inspire joy, health, and learning through intergenerational creative care. We envision a community that makes meaningful connections through generosity, inclusivity, and playfulness.
The name “CareSlips” is adapted from the moniker of our partner organization, TimeSlips. The goal to “care” for oneself and others is a big, lifelong journey. Conversely, a “slip” is smooth and quick, happening at a moment’s notice. What if we started practicing little acts of care - slipping them into our lives and the lives of others in little ways that yielded big impact?
What have we accomplished so far?
During our time together, we cared for adult clients at St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care. We played games, sang karaoke, made crafts, and told stories. We were just getting ready to implement TimeSlips, a collective storytelling process that brings meaning and joy to late life by infusing creativity into care relationships and systems. One TimeSlips strategy, Beautiful Questions inspire someone to think a little differently - with no right or wrong answers. When our service was unexpectedly interrupted by COVID-19, we were left with many Beautiful Questions that opened up new possibilities for caring and learning.
What are we doing now?
Exercising our creativity, we redesigned our internship so that we could continue to support the wellness of St. Ann clients and our own career development. Organized around the theme of “care,” we are practicing two overlapping types of care - self-care and care for community. Each week, we learn a new self-care activity such as meditation, yoga or t’ai chi. Concurrently, we are creating handmade postcards with messages inspired by the TimeSlips process to send to St. Ann clients. Each week, a new “postcard prompt” from visual arts and art therapy practices informs our work. By enacting generosity, creativity, and connection, all of our lives become more meaningful.
How can I get involved during the quarantine?
Create your own CareSlips to send to people who might be experiencing isolation. (Remember to wash your hands before touching your materials!)
Click the links to view our postcard prompts:
YouTube Playlist | Written Instructions
Click here for TimeSlips’ list of care facilities accepting mail.
Questions? Contact Lead Artist Jenni Reinke,
And, take good care of yourself.