Every ArtWorks’ product was designed by our brilliant high school interns. Every purchase and donation puts funding back into our programs.

Be Your Own Hero: The Stress Relieving Coloring Book Volume 1

Created by our 2021-22 graphic design + mental health advocacy interns and team, the Be Your Own Hero stress relieving coloring book was designed to invest in good mental health by helping you relax. Each detailed hand-drawn illustration depicts stress reducing activities.

Order a copy, grab some color pencils, and take a break—you deserve it!

Be Your Own Hero: The Stress Relieving Coloring Book Volume 2

The Be Your Own Hero stress relieving coloring book series was designed to invest in good mental health by helping you relax. This volume was created by our 2023 graphic design + mental health advocacy interns and team. Each detailed, hand-drawn illustration is themed to reflect the Pause campaign; an initiative the team created to raise awareness for suicide prevention.

Be Your Own Hero: The Stress Relieving Coloring Book Volume 3

Featuring bonus coloring pages, this third edition of the Be Your Own Hero series by CAPE, crafted by our 2024 graphic design and mental health advocacy interns and team, enhances relaxation with nature and abstract designs meant to evoke the peace experienced during a walk in nature. With extensive research into stress relief, this volume includes three mindful activities, offering a personalized journey through content you're free to enjoy as you wish.